System information

9497B-20 Ku-Band TVRO Functional Testing
6. Functional Testing
If not already ON, Turn ON the Power switch on the front panel of the ACU.
6.1. ACU / Antenna System Check
1. Press RESET on the ACU front panel to initialize the system. Verify the display shows "SEA TEL INC -
MASTER" and the ACU software version number. Wait 10 seconds for the display to change to "SEA TEL INC
- REMOTE" and the PCU software version number.
2. If the display shows "REMOTE INITIALIZING” wait for approximately 2 minutes for the antenna to complete
initialization and report the Antenna Model and PCU software version. If “REMOTE NOT RESPONDING" is
displayed, refer to the Troubleshooting Section of this manual.
3. Press the NEXT key repeatedly to display the Ship, Satellite, Antenna and Status menu displays. This
verifies that the displays change in the correct response to the keys.
6.2. Latitude/Longitude Auto-Update check
This verifies that the GPS position information is automatically updating..
1. Press the NEXT key repeatedly to display the Ship menu. Press ENTER to access edit mode and view the
current Latitude value.
2. Press the LEFT arrow key to bring the cursor up under the ones digit, press UP and then hit ENTER. The
display should immediately show a latitude value one degree higher, but then will be overwritten within
several seconds (back to the previous value) by the GPS engine.
This test does not need to be repeated in the Longitude menu.
6.3. Ship Heading – Gyro Compass Following Check
This verifies that the Heading display is actually following the Ships Gyro Compass.
1. Press the NEXT key repeatedly to display the Ship menu. If the boat is underway, monitor the Heading
value to verify that the display changes in the correct response to the Gyro Compass input (Heading value
should always be exactly the same as the Gyro Compass repeater value).
2. If the ship is NOT underway, most ships will turn +/- 1-2 degrees at the pier, monitor the Heading value to
verify that the display changes in the correct response to the Gyro Compass input (Heading value should
always be exactly the same as the Gyro Compass repeater value).
6.4. Azimuth & Elevation Drive
This verifies that the antenna moves in the correct response to the keys.
1. Press the NEXT key several times to display the Antenna menu.
2. Press the Tracking key to toggle Tracking OFF. Press the UP arrow key repeatedly and verify that the antenna
moves up in elevation.
3. Press the DOWN arrow key repeatedly and verify that the antenna moves down in elevation.
4. Press the RIGHT arrow key repeatedly and verify that the antenna moves up (CW) in azimuth.
5. Press the LEFT arrow key repeatedly and verify that the antenna moves down (CCW) in azimuth.
6.5. Four Quadrant Tracking Test
This verifies that the antenna moves in the correct response to the keys, that Tracking is signaling correctly and that
the Tracking commands are being carried out (antenna drives to peak).
1. Verify antenna is locked onto and tracking a satellite
2. Press the NEXT key several times to display the Antenna menu.
3. Note the current peak AGC value. Press the Tracking key to toggle Tracking OFF, press the UP arrow key
repeatedly to move the antenna up in elevation until AGC falls about 100 counts. Turn Tracking ON and
verify that the antenna moves back down in elevation and that the AGC rises to its’ previous high value.