Product manual

Cheetah 15K.5 SCSI Product Manual, Rev. F
interface timing 15
internal data rate 11
J1-auxiliary 41
jumper 10, 41, 43, 44, 70
jumper function description 44
jumper header 43
jumper plug type 41
landing zone 8
LED 76
logical block address 13
logical characteristics 58
logical segments 13
low voltage differential (LVD) drivers and receivers 8
LVD 70
LVD interface receiver circuits 71
mating connector 59, 61, 62
mating flat cable connector 62
maximum current requirements 25
maximum operating current 24
maximum starting current 23, 24
ME jumper 44
mean time between failure (MTBF) 16
media 8, 53
Media Pre-Scan 39
message protocol 58
message protocol system 39
SCSI interface 47
miscellaneous features 57
mode page 01 53
mode page 08h 13
mode parameter 53
mode select command 13, 53
mode sense command 53
mode sense data 53
mode sense value 53
model number table 7
motor start command 13
motor start delay option 70
motor start option 13, 24, 70
mounting configuration 34
mounting configuration dimensions 34, 35
mounting constraints 15, 46
mounting point 46
mounting surface 46
mounting surface distortion 46
mounting surface stiffness 46
MTBF 15, 16
80 conductor 62
multimode drivers and receivers 8
multi-segmented cache control 13
noise 25
audible 3
non-operating 30, 31, 33
temperature 30
non-operating vibration 33
nonshielded 68 conductor connector 62
office environment 33
operating 30, 31, 33
operating option 41
operating parameter 53
option jumper 41
option jumper location 41
option select header 58
option select jumper 41
options 10
orientation 31, 45
out-of-plane deflection 46
out-of-plane distortion 46
Output characteristics 70
package size 31
package test specification 5
packaged 31
parity 44
parity checking 44
parity error 44
PCB 43
PCBA 41, 46, 53, 59, 60, 63
PCBA circuit run 60
PD jumper 44
peak bits/inch 11
peak starting current 24
performance characteristics 11
performance degradation 31
peripheral I/O cable 25
physical characteristics 58
physical damage 33
physical interface 58, 60
power 24, 44
power connector 23, 25
power control switch 13
power dissipation 27
power distribution 3
power sequencing 25