User`s guide

1.9 Solving Setup Problems
Computer Doesn’t Recognize the SS-1200-FCAL Subsystem
Check that the I/O module has been correctly installed. and all external links and cables are securely fitted.
1.10 List of Spare Parts and Ancillary Items
The following replaceable parts are available:
I/O Module
FCAL cables:
All documentation
1.11 Technical Specification
Table 1–1 Hexadecimal AL_PA Values
Switch Setting0123456789
Bay 1/1 AL_PA 01 29 45 5A 75 9E B5 D2 Soft N/A
Bay 2/1 AL_PA 02 2A 46 5C 76 9F B6 D3 Soft N/A
Bay 3/1 AL_PA 04 2B 47 63 79 A3 B9 D4 Soft N/A
Bay 4/1 AL_PA 08 2C 49 65 7A A5 BA D5 Soft N/A
Bay 1/2 AL_PA 0F 2D 4A 66 7C A6 BC D6 Soft N/A
Bay 2/2 AL_PA 10 2E 4B 67 80 A7 C3 D9 Soft N/A
Bay 3/2 AL_PA 17 31 4C 69 81 A9 C5 DA Soft N/A
Bay 4/2 AL_PA 18 32 4D 6A 82 AA C6 DC Soft N/A
Bay1/3 AL_PA 1B 33 4E 6B 84 AB C7 E0 Soft N/A
Bay 2/3 AL_PA 1D 34 51 6C 88 AC C9 E1 Soft N/A
Bay 3/3 AL_PA 1E 35 52 6D 8F AD CA E2 Soft N/A
Bay 4/3 AL_PA 1F 36 53 6E 90 AE CB E4 Soft N/A
Connectors DB9 x 2
1 wired for Tx and Rx with Media Interface Adapter (MIA) support.
1 wired with Tx only, for daisy chaining loops,
1 x DB9 x RS232 (when installed in bay 3/2)
1 x DB9 x RPC (when installed in bay 3/3)
Current Limit 1A for MIA support.