Instructions for Use

EDGE 540. Instruction Manual
E)Check the throttle. Moving the throttle
stick forward should open the carburetor bar-
rel. If it does not, flip the servo reversing switch
on your transmitter to change the direction.
D) Check the rudder. Looking from be-
hind the airplane, move the rudder stick to the
right. The rudder should move to the right. If it
does not, flip the servo reversing switch on
your transmitter to change the direction.
4) By moving the position of the adjust-
able control horn out from the control surface,
you will decrease the amount of throw of that
control surface. Moving the adjustable con-
trol horn toward the control surface will in-
crease the amount of throw.
A) Check the operation and direction of
the elevator, rudder, ailerons and throttle.
C) Check the elevator first. Pull back on
the elevator stick. The elevator halves should
move up. If it they do not, flip the servo re-
versing switch on your transmitter to change
the direction.
F) From behind the airplane, look at the
aileron on the right wing half. Move the aileron
stick to the right. The right aileron should move
up and the other aileron should move down. If
it does not, flip the servo reversing switch on
your transmitter to change the direction.
Do not use the aerobatic settings for
initial test flying or sport flying.
1) Completely charge your transmitter
and receiver batteries before your first day of
B) Plug in your radio system per the
manufacturer's instructions and turn every-
thing on.