Instructions for Use
5) If your radio transmitter is equipped
with dual rate switches double check that they
are on the low rate setting for your first few
6) Check to ensure the control surfaces
are moving the proper amount for both low
and high rate settings.
8) Properly balance the propeller. An out
of balance propeller will cause excessive vi-
bration which could lead to engine and/or air-
frame failure.
We wish you many safe and enjoyable
flights with your EDGE 540 .
7) Check the receiver antenna. It should
be fully extended and not coiled up inside the
2) Check every bolt and every glue joint
in the EDGE 540 to ensure that everything is
tight and well bonded.
3) Double check the balance of the air-
plane. Do this with the fuel tank empty.
4) Check the control surfaces. All should
move in the correct direction and not bind in
any way.