System Manual

Where can I buy this product?
The product is currently only available for commercial use. For commercial inquiries or to join the waitlist
for our residential unit when available, visit
Where can I test the SEAL SwimSafe system?
SEAL can only be tested in large bodies of water like a pool or lake.
Can I test the band in a bathtub, hot tub, bucket of water or sink?
No. SEAL SwimSafe will only alarm in large bodies of water or inground pools deeper than 2 feet.
Will the band fall off when a child is swimming?
No. The band clasps are securely attached for normal swimming activities. It is not designed for diving or
water slide use. It does have a breakaway limit to prevent choking. It is not designed for the diving board.
What size should I buy?
The bands are a one size fits most. For comfort the band should be worn loosely. If the band fits too
snugly, we do offer band extenders.
Can I add onto my existing system?
Of course! We sell bands and hub separately to meet the needs of every pool, camp and aquatic facility.
How does it work?
Check out our website for our “how it works” video.
What is the range of the system?
The system is designed to cover a large commercial swimming pool.
I have seen products worn on the head and wrist, why is SwimSafe worn on the neck?
Wrist-based products can trigger false alarms when swimmers submerge their arms but not their heads.
SEAL SwimSafe is designed to only alarm when a swimmer's head is submerged beyond the set time
How long do the hub and band take to charge? How long will the hub and band battery last?
The hub takes approximately 3 hours to reach full charge and will last about 9 hours. We recommend 4
hours charging time before using the hub. The band takes 2.5 hours to reach full charge and will last
about 9 hours. We recommend 3 hours charging time before using the bands.
Does it work in salt water pools?
Yes, it is also chemical resistant.
Can SwimSafe be used in an indoor or outdoor pool?
Yes, SEAL SwimSafe works in indoor and outdoor pools.
Is there any installation involved?
No, the system is ready to use once fully charged, completely portable and can be used practically