Service manual

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SLC500 & SLC600
Solar Marine Lanterns
Before activating the light, intensity and ash settings must be set.
Label “FRONT” indicates front of the lantern, where all operations must take place.
1. From the front of the lantern unscrew the four cap screws located at either side of the light-head
and remove.
2. Remove bung from base of light-head.
3. ThepowerandrangesettingsofthelanternareadjustedbysettingtheDIPswitchesinsidethe
4. Setrotaryswitchestotherequiredashcode(see‘SelectingaFlashCode’sectionofthis
5. Replace bung, and place light-head back onto unit. Screw four cap screws up tight.
IMPORTANT: a sealed vent in the base allows air transfer without moisture intake and should
not be disturbed.
Lantern is activated by connecting +ve and -ve wires to +ve and -ve battery terminals.
1. From the front of the lantern, unscrew the four socket cap screws from the base of the solar unit,
and remove the body from the base plate.
2. Unscrew the 4 retaining knobs and remove the battery box lid.
3. Toactivatethelantern,connectthe“BatteryNegative(-)”wiretothenegativeterminal,and
replacing internal battery lid to ensure internal wiring is clear from sealed gasket.
4. Replacethebatteryboxlid,retthe4retainingknobsandtightensecurely.
5. Replace the lantern body onto the base plate ensuring that no wiring is protruding, and screw four
socket cap screws up tight.
6. Totestplacedarkcover(towelorjacket)ontopoflighttoactivatesensor,lightwillcomeon.
7. Ensurethattheunitisboltedtoaneven,atsurface.
Care must be taken to observe the polarity of each wire before they are connected.
To ensure waterproong of the unit, make sure that no wires are protruding and that
there is an even seal.