User's Manual

Online measurement – Realtime correlation with 2 sensors
x Conduct an Offline measurement (at
night) instead of the Online
You have the chance to listen to the sound in the pipe “live”, in order to judge whether a
leak noise or a background noise can be heard.
Use the 12 V DC socket to connect the delivered headphones to the Correlator. In the
Correlation menu, tap the button or to open the Audio menu.
Use the Back button to return to the Correlation menu.
If you assess the correlation as ”good“, in the next step specify the properties of the pipe
in order to be able to calculate the distance to the leak.
Proceed as follows:
Step Description
In the Correlation menu, tap the button between the two diagrams representing
the pipe or use the button in the main menu.
Result: The Pipe data menu is opened.
Reproduce the pipeline.
Use the Add and Delete buttons to devide the line into sections.
Enter the pipe data (material, diameter, length) for each section.
Use the Back button to return to the Correlation menu or the Start menu.
The entered pipe data are accepted
Result: In the Correlation menu, the distance from transmitter A or B to the leak
is displayed now.
Listen to leak noise
Enter pipe parameters