User's Manual

Offline measurement - Multipoint correlation with preprogrammed sensors
Step Description
In the Start menu, select the required Offline measuring mode.
2 In the displayed menu, tap the Correlation button.
Result: A "Multi correlation" is carried out, which means that the values of all
sensors are correlated with each other. The process can take some seconds.
Subsequently, the correlation results for all sensor pairs are shown in thumbnails.
Element Description
Correlation curve
Sensor numbers of the two devices whose data are correlated.
Time distance from the middle of the pipe line to the leak.
The color of the digit indicates the quality of the correlation.
green good correlation, clear result
yellow no clear result
red bad correlation; no leak or no clear
lokalization possible
negat.value the leak is on the left from the center point
posit. value the leak is on the right from the center point