User's Manual

Working in Easy mode
5.4.1 Reading out a “Lift&Shift” group
To read out the measured data in the loggers, proceed as follows:
Collect up all the loggers of the group and place them next to the Commander.
Avoid placing the loggers on their head! The stored data would not be
lost if the loggers were switched off, but it would no longer be indicated
if a logger is in leak status or not (see page 14).
2 In the main menu of the Commander, select the Readout loggers button.
Result: The Commander and the loggers are connected. Data transfer begins
automatically. The antenna symbol in the bottom left of the display flashes.
As soon as the Commander detects a logger, it receives its measured data. The
corresponding logger switches from the right-hand to the left-hand window on
the screen.
The coloured background of the read data in the left-hand window reflects the
probability of a leak.
No colour Leak probability low, leak threshold was not exceeded
Grey Leak probability not available, logger in configuration mode
(was switched off during or after the measurement)
Leak probability high! Leak threshold exceeded!
The colour reflects approximately the frequency of the leak
0 Hz
2,500 Hz
If a logger’s comment is on a red background, this means that its battery is
3 The Stop button can be used to cancel reading at any time. It can be continued
with the Start button.
The procedure finishes automatically once the Commander has received and
saved the measured data from all the loggers in the group.
If a logger could not be read, it may have been switched off, not ready for
wireless operation or it was outside the Commander’s wireless range.
You can immediately view the data of a logger that has just been read. To do so,
select the left-hand window on the screen and then select the respective logger.
Result: The logger’s measured data is shown (see page 42).
Use the ESC button to return to the main menu.