User's Manual

Technical description
The Sebalog N-3 system consists of the following components:
Log N-3
noise loggers
measures regularly the volume level and frequency of the noise in
the pipe during the programmed measuring window.
Commander-3 is the portable device for programming the loggers before measuring,
and for reading out and analysing the recorded data after measuring.
Repeaters-3 forward the radio signals from the loggers and therefore extend the
wireless link between the loggers and Commander.
GSM box-3 is used as the interface between the logger network and control
centre during wireless remote data transmission.
is the application software for programming the loggers before
measuring, and for reading out and analysing the recorded data with
a PC or laptop.
Reader-3 is a convenient device for reading out the measurements taken by
the Sebalog series of loggers.
Log RI is used as the wireless interface to the loggers or repeaters when
connected to a PC/laptop.