User's Manual

Working in Professional mode
6.2.2 Managing the loggers in the Commander
Select the symbol in the main menu, and the Logger Management button in the
next view, to go to the menu for managing loggers. The loggers of the workgroup (see
page 45) are listed.
If the incorrect group is displayed, you can use the pull-down menu at the top edge of
the screen to change the workgroup.
If you do not wish to allocate a new logger to an existing but to a completely new group
instead, this new group must be created beforehand (see page 45).
A logger can be registered using “automatic detection”. For this purpose, it has to be
close to the Commander and switched off. Proceed as follows:
Step Description
1 Apply the Add logger button.
Switch the logger on.
Result: Directly after it is switched on, the logger sends a signal with its
identification number a few times. Once the logger is detected by the
Commander, New ID found appears on the screen. The ID of the logger is
displayed underneath.
3 Select Accept to add the logger to the group or Decline to discard it.
If you want to number the loggers consecutively, stick the supplied self-
adhesive label with the number of the automatically assigned comment on the
logger (see below).
Use the same method to add all the other new loggers to the group. When
loggers need to be switched on, always bring them close to the Commander
singly. This is because only the last detected ID is shown on the screen and
able to be registered.
6 Apply the Finish button to complete the procedure.
Result: The registered loggers are now shown in the list.
Registering loggers
using automatic