User's Manual

LOG P-3 / P-3 mini
pressure change to be a ‘pressure shock. Activate the checkbox 10Hz sampling, if
the recording should take place with an extra high sampling rate. Caution: The high
sampling rate subjects the logger battery to an extremely high load! When the
checkbox is deactivated, the sampling rate is only 1 Hz.
Select the measuring unit for the measurements.
Activate/deactivate the ring storage function for the data storage of the logger.
End of measurement
Should the measurement end at a certain time?
If so, activate the checkbox active and enter the time and date for the end of the
For detailed explanations of the individual settings, refer to the operating instructions of
the logger.
Tap on the Send button at the bottom of the input mask.
The configuration is sent from the PocketServer to the logger and applied there. A
success message appears at the end of the operation.
5.9 Export data
You can connect a USB data store to the PocketServer and copy data from loggers to it.
From the USB stick, the data can then be imported to the SebaDataView-3 software.
Connect the USB stick to the USB socket of the PocketServer.
In the PocketServer start screen, tap LOG P-3/LOG P-3-mini.
To copy all data of all loggers from the PocketServer to the USB stick (measured data,
configuration data, event list, etc.), go on as follows:
Tap the button .
In the context menu, tap Export.
The data is transmitted. A success message appears at the end of the operation.
To copy all data of a specific logger from the PocketServer to the USB stick (measured
data, configuration data, event list, etc.), go on as follows:
Select the desired logger from the Devices list.
Tap the button .
In the context menu, tap Export.
The data is transmitted. A success message appears at the end of the operation.
To copy the data of an individual measurement from PocketServer to the USB stick, go
on as follows:
Select the desired logger from the Devices list.
Select the desired data record from the Data list.
Option 1: Exporting all
data from all loggers
Option 2: Exporting all
data of a logger
Option 3: Exporting a