Product Manual

Zero Deadband Super ne accuracy (0.1mm) used
when calibrating lasers.
With the power Off, press the Power and Accuracy
switches at the same time to enter the zero deadband.
The accuracy symbol with no bars will be displayed
conrming zero deadband. Press the accuracy switch
or cycle power to return to the standard accuracies.
Line Alert Special application to signal when the
detector moves off on-grade.
With the power Off, press the Power and Beeper
switches at the same time to enter the line alert mode.
Beeper symbol will blink to conrm. On-grade will have
no sound; off-grade is audible in Loud mode. Cycle
power to return to the standard operating mode.
Laser Out of Level (OOL) Special application used
with certain lasers that provide an out of level signal.
With the power On, press the Power, Beeper, and
Accuracy switches at the same time. The laser
outline symbol will appear indicating OOL enabled.
When enabled, a laser speed of 140 RPM ± 20% will
activate the level bubble of the OOL display. Press
all 3 switches again to disable.
Operation - Special Functions