User's Manual

Doc. No.: A03490690 Rev.: 1 ECO: 12274 Date 11/10/2016 8
Secure Care receives and responds to telephone and dial-in inquires (the “Help Line”) about its software, parts and
products for the purpose of discussing users’ experiences with Secure Care’s system, helping users better understand
how their systems work, and providing ideas about what may be causing difficulties. However, Secure Care cannot
accurately diagnose the cause of any problems or give complete instructions on how to fix problems over the telephone
or Internet. The only way to assure that software, parts or products are installed, set-up, tested, supported, maintained
or repaired correctly or that a Secure Care system is functioning properly is to have it examined on site by a qualified
service technician. In addition, Secure Care software, parts and products cannot be operated or used correctly by
anyone who has not successfully completed Secure Care in-service training. Secure Care’s Help Line is not a
substitute for on-site diagnosis and servicing by a qualified service technician or for successful completion of Secure
Care in-service training. Secure Care strongly recommends that any installation, set-up, testing, support, maintenance
or repair of a system that is performed by a person who has not satisfactorily completed technical training in
accordance with standards established by Secure Care be immediately checked on-site by a qualified service
WARNING: Even slight modifications to the system or changes in the operating environment may cause Secure
Cares system to malfunction. The only way to assure that secure cares system has been installed, SET-UP, TESTED,
SUPPORTED, maintained and repaired correctly is to have a qualified service technician do the work.
12. The Secure Care System is not a Substitute for Careful Identification and Monitoring by Professional Staff
Secure Care’s software, parts and products have been designed to augment a facility’s reasonable procedures for
protecting residents, patients, and infants. However, no system or combination of procedures and equipment can
eliminate all risk or assure complete security. Secure Care’s system is not intended as a substitute for the careful
identification and monitoring of residents, patients, and infants by a facility’s professional staff.
Revised 3/10/16