User Manual

2) Continue holding the buttons, The LED will turn OFF after it is done
transmitting (approximately 3 seconds) and will turn back ON after
approximately 5 additional seconds, WAIT until the LED begins to flash
(approximately 5 seconds). The total hold time is approximately 13 seconds.
Once the LED is flashing, Release buttons.
3) Press Button # 1 (left) for Standard AMAC supervised unit. LED will confirm
choice with 1 flash OR Press button # 2 (right) for Supervised with polling,
LED will confirm choice with 2 flashes.
4) For testing purposes this unit will supervise itself every 10 seconds and will
send a supervisory heartbeat if programmed for supervised with polling.
* I have supplied a two button rubber insert for programming if you feel it is easier
during the programming sequences.
Battery Information:
Battery statistics are as follows:
4.8uA Standby Current
1.8uA Wake up time
.001uA Supervisory
.17uA 1 Button press per day
6.771uA Total battery draw
Battery is a CR2025 with 160mA power
Calculation is as follows:
(160,000/6.771)/8760= 2.6975 years on average
This is actual field usage since you do not activate the battery until it is ready for use.
Supervisory with Polling Transmission:
When the Polling is enabled, the heartbeat transmission is sent every 6 hours. It sends the
12.5 mS long data packet 5 times as a means to insure system integrity.
Default Programming:
The AMAC unit will be pre-programmed at the factory with a standard code and
defaulted as a standard supervised device without any polling transmissions.
Low Battery Trigger:
Currently we check for a low battery every 12 hours for 3 consecutive wake ups. That
means that when a low battery is detected we must see it on three consecutive occasions
before we will lock and transmit low battery. When the AMAC remote detects low
battery it will take a minimum of 36 hours before it will transmit.