User`s manual

D. Preset
The PRESET bar allows you to create up to 255 preset camera points/positions.
By creating a preset point you can have the IPcam-SD memorize the position
of the camera and use a number (PRESET) to identify its position which can
then be played back by using the TOUR feature. For example, when setting up
a PTZ camera located in the garage connected to channel 1, you can set preset
number 1 to view the garage door, Preset 2 for the camera to rotate towards
the right of the garage, and Preset 3 to change the angle of the camera to
view the left side of the garage, etc. This will save you from manually changing
the position of the camera. To add a preset point, first move the IPcam-SD to
the desired location, choose the Preset number, and click the “+” to add it or
use the “-“ icon to delete it. To pan to preset position, simply select the preset
number and then click on the “Goto” button.
E. Tour
The TOUR bar is used to create an automatic camera rotation (movement)
based on the preset points/positions you created. To create a tour, select the
Tour number from the drop down and then click the edit icon to bring up the
tour window as shown in the image below. Next select the preset number you
wish to start the rotation with and click the “Add Preset” button. Continue
this process until all preset points have been added and then click on the “X”
located at the top right corner to close the window.
NOTE: You can create up to 32 tours.