User`s manual

The CHANNEL selection is defaulted to channel 1 and cannot be selected.
The LENGTH is the recording duration area used to specify the maximum length
(in minutes) of each recording segment. A segment refers to the maximum length a
video can reach before a new file is generated.
NOTE: The maximum length for each segment is 120 minutes. The LENGTH of
recording is used for manual and schedule recording.
The PRE-RECORD option is used to specify the number of seconds the system
should start to record before motion detection, video blind, or alarm input occurs.
Pre-recording setting ranges from 1~10 seconds, the default is
set to 5 seconds pre-recording.
NOTE: In additions to the 1~10 seconds pre-record setting, each alarm event records a
10 seconds file. For example if the pre-record is set to 5 seconds, the total recording
time playback-able will be 15 seconds total.
The RECORD TYPE area is used to select the type of recording structure that should
be implemented for manual video recording. These options include:
Schedule – lets you create up to 4 different recording schedules for each day of
the week.
NOTE: The schedule will not be taken into effect if there is a
schedule set under the video motion settings.
Manual – enables 24 hour video recording.
None – disables manual recording.
The SCHEDULE AREA lets you set up to 4 different recording periods for each day
of the week. By doing this, you can create schedules that will allow you manipulate
when the IPcam-SD should start and stop record thus saving space and the amount
of unwanted video footage that would be generated during a 24hr manual recording
implementation. Located on the Schedule Area is a “Day “drop down option which
will allow you to select the day of the week (or all) that you want to schedule
recording for and check boxes that allow you enable/disable the selected time frame.
The COPY button can be used to copy the current configuration on the screen to the
other cameras available through the CMS (when more than one camera is available).
The PASTE button is used to paste the configuration settings that were copied to the
selected camera.
The REFRESH button discards the changes you made to the current settings and sets
them back to the way they were when the configuration window was first opened.
The OK button saves your changes and exits back the previous screen.
The CANCEL button discards any changes made and exits back to the previous