User's Manual

MediaTek LinkIt™ Smart 7688 User Manual
5) Use the screen utility to connect to the serial port and set
the baudrate to 57600. This is because the baudrate of the
system console is 57600 by default. For example:
$screen /dev/cu.usbserial-XXXXXXXX 57600
6) Now you should be connected to the system console. Press
ENTER in the Terminal to bring up the prompt. You'll notice
that the prompt has become different from your OS X Terminal
application, it is the LinkIt Smart 7688 prompt and it looks
like the following:
7) Youre ready to make changes to the LinkIt Smart 7688 system
through this console.
8) To exit the system console, type <CTRL>a + k, and y.
For Linux:
1) Install the driver if needed. Check the cable manufacturers
website for driver requirements on Ubuntu and installation
2) Plug-in the cable and connect the cable to LinkIt Smart
LinkIt Smart 7688.
3) Open a Terminal application.
4) Type ls /dev/ttyUSB* in the Terminal. You should see a list of
devices. Look for something like ttyUSB0 where 0 is usually a
random identifier. This is the serial device used to access
the system console. For example:
$ls /dev/ttyUSB*
5) Use the screen utility to connect to the serial port and set
the baudrate to 57600. This is because the baudrate of the
system console is 57600 by default. One thing to keep in
mind is that in Ubuntu, the serial devices require dialout
group permission. Use sudo to elevate the permission, for
$sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 57600
6) Now you should be connected to the system console. Press
ENTER in the Terminal to bring up the prompt. You'll notice
that the prompt has become different from your Linux
Terminal application, it is the LinkIt Smart 7688 prompt and
it looks like the following:
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