Data Sheet

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Figure 18 Reference design based on LoRa-E5
application information
6.1 LoRaWAN
The topology of the LoRaWAN
network is a star network, and the gateway acts as a relay between nodes and
network servers. The gateway is connected to the network server through a standard IP link, and the node
device uses LoRa
or FSK to communicate with one or more gateways. Communication is bidirectional, although
it is mainly upstream communication from the node to the network server.
The communication between the node and the gateway uses different frequencies and rates. The choice of rate
is a compromise between power consumption and distance, and different rates do not interfere with each other.
According to different spreading factors and bandwidths, the rate of LoRa
can be from 300bps to 50Kbps. In
order to maximize battery life and network capacity, the network server manages the node's rate and output
power through rate adaptation (ADR).
The node device may transmit on a random channel at any time and at any rate, as long as the following
conditions are met:
1) The channel currently used by the node is pseudo-random. This makes the system more resistant to
2) The maximum transmission time (dwell time of the channel) and duty cycle of the node depends on the
frequency band used and local regulations
LoRa-E5 module integrates ST ultra-low power IC STM32WLE5JC. The current is only 2.1uA in sleep mode, this
module is very suitable for various applications of LoRaWAN
6.2 Design LoRaWAN
wireless sensor based on LoRa-E5
LoRa-E5 is an AT instruction set that encapsulates the global LoRaWAN
standard protocol. The customer only
needs a very simple MCU as the main control, and can control the LoRa-E5 through the serial port, thereby
easily implementing the LoRaWAN
protocol. This helps customers quickly bring sensor products to the