Operation Manual

F8 F9
During in the STANDBY mode.
, and then power ON the unit.
1. Insert the SD/MMC card
Slide the FUNCTION switch on the unit to select the CD/MP3 mode, then press the
SOURCE(CD/USB/SD) button on the unit or the remote control to CARD mode, the unit will
automatically read the total folders and the number of the total tracks.(F7)
Playing The Entire SD/MMC Card
1. Press the PLAY/PAUSE button once, the unit will play the first track of the SD/MMC card.(F.11)
2. To interrupt playback, press the
PLAY/PAUSE button once again. The time elapsed indicator
will flash.(F12)
3. To resume playback, press the
PLAY/PAUSE button once more again.
4. To stop playback, press the STOP button once on the unit (or remote control).
Note : 1. The unit can play both MP3 and WMA in this mode.
2. This unit can support most of SD/MMC CARD. The memory capacity up-to 2GB. It can not
access (or access a longer time) the memory capacity over 2GB. Otherwise, make an others
to access it.
3. The main unit does not support the WMA file which is protected by "DRM FILE".
Note :
Note : In any time, the SD/MMC card must be fixed well under in the STANDBY mode to avoid the unit
and the SD/MMC card were damaged.
3. The main unit does not support the WMA file which is protected by "DRM FILE". It just support
USB version 1.1 and 2.0.
Playing The Entire
1. Press the PLAY/PAUSE button once, the unit will play the first track of the USB devices.(F8)
2. To interrupt playback, press the
PLAY/PAUSE button once again. The time elapsed indicator
will flash.(F9)
3. To resume playback, press the
PLAY/PAUSE button once more again.
4. To stop playback, press the STOP button once on the unit (or remote control).
USB devices
Note : In any time, the USB devices must be fixed well under in the STANDBY mode to avoid the unit
and the USB devices were damaged.
- CD
1. Press the PLAY MODE button once on the unit or remote control, " " is displayed. CD will play
the current track repeatedly.(F13)
2. Press the PLAY MODE button twice , " " is displayed. CD will play all tracks repeatedly
3. Press the PLAY MODE button thrice, " RAND " is displayed. CD will play all tracks
4. Press the PLAY MODE button once more again, PLAY MODE function will be off.