User's Manual

Quick Reference
Button Lock
The 2W902R-SP comes equipped with automatic button lock. This requires you to tap any button to
wake your remote up then tap the button for the function you are trying to activate. Button lock can be
turned off in your remote’s option menu.
Full or Half Paging Mode
The 2W902R-SP is shipped in Half Paging Mode. This means that the remote will only receive 2 Way
LED confirmations for remote start and lock and unlock. It will not receive 2 Way LED confirmations
when the alarm is triggered. To turn this feature on hold the
buttons for 2.5 seconds to
enter the Remote Programming Menu. Tap the Lock <insert lock button icon> button to turn Full Paging
on. The remote will beep twice and LED flash red. You are now in Full Alarm and Starter Mode.
Valet Mode
When servicing or loaning your vehicle to others, the system should be placed in Valet Mode. Valet
Mode prevents the system from remote starting and disables all alarm functions. IMPORTANT: While in
Valet mode the remote will still control power lock and unlock systems. The parking lights will not flash.
The system can be put into valet one of three ways:
1. Turn the vehicle’s key to the ignition “on” position, tap the Function and Trunk buttons
<insert function + trunk button icons> at the same time for a half second. The parking lights
will flash once and/or siren chirp once to confirm the system is in valet mode. Repeat this process to take
the system out of valet mode. The parking lights will flash twice and/or siren chirp once to confirm the
system is out of valet mode. Please note the confirmation chirps from the 2 Way remote will be quieter in
Valet Mode.
2. If you do not have your remote control, you can put the system into valet by turning the ignition key
“on” and then “off” five times within 7 seconds. The parking lights will flash once to confirm the system is
in valet mode. Shortly after the first flash, the parking lights will flash twice. A remote control is required
to take the system out of valet mode.
3. If your system is set up for a secure valet option (optional), you will not be able to put the system into
valet until the proper code has been entered using the secure valet switch. The secure valet switch is the
small button with bright blue LED on the front and if installed is the only way to override the alarm and/or
remote start. Until programmed, the default code is (3, 3).
Removing System Out of Valet:
Tap the<insert function + trunk button icons> for a half second to remove the system out of Valet. On
starter and alarm/starter systems, you can turn the key to the Ignition On position and tap the foot brake
10 times. This will take your system out of Valet Mode. If this does not work you can also reprogram your
remote(s). See Remote Coding/Programming Routine section for details.
Remote Maintenance – Battery Replacement
The only regular maintenance this system requires is remote control battery replacement. No
programming is required when replacing the battery.