Technical data

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5. Measurement
1. If either “Std” or “Ctl” Channel is set, the set
Channel and Zone(s) appear.
S = Standard Channel
Standard Channel and Zone
C = ControlTL
Channel and Zone
Measuring Mode
2. If both “Std” and “Ctl” are set, the display of
Channel and Zone rotate as shown below.
When firing a flash, if the flash brightness is 8EV lower than the ambient light, the meter
may fail to detect the light. In this case, make measurements using the cord flash mode
(see page 21).
Rapid start fluorescent lamps and special lighting are sometimes mistaken for flash, and
accidentally measured. In this case, make measurements using the cord flash mode (see
page 21).
The waveform of flashbulb have a slight slope and there is a possibility that light meter
cannot recognize the flashbulb in Cordless flash mode. In this case, be sure to take
measurement in Cord flash mode (see page 21).
If both Standard channel and ControlTL channel are not set (”--” in CH indicator).
It is impossible to go to Wireless Flash Radio Triggering mode (main LCD for measurement).