User's Manual

d. Thread the obstruction light assembly into the antenna. Use thread tape on all pipe threads to insure a
water tight fit.
e. Connect the three AC wires from the antenna to the bulb sockets, as shown in Figure 1-5 or Figure 1-6.
f. Install the lighting rod to the obstruction light nipple as detailed in Figure Error! Reference source
not found..
g. Verify the obstruction light bulbs match the site AC voltage rating then install the bulbs and lens.
h. After installing antenna to tower, connect remaining obstruction light power wires to DME cabinet and
shelter circuit breaker box as shown in Figure 1-5 or Figure 1-6. Note that the 070219-0001 cable is
located in the Antenna Kit (Figure Error! Reference source not found.).
Figure 1-5 DME Obstruction Light Interconnect Diagram with Photo Sensor
Figure 1-6 DME Obstruction Light Interconnect Diagram without Photo Sensor