User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Model 1150A DVOR
Rev. - November, 2008
This document contains proprietary information and such information may not be disclosed
to others for any purposes without written permission from SELEX Sistemi Integrati Inc.
Change the Reference Depth of Modulation
To affect both Transmitter #1 and Transmitter #2, select Transmitters >> Configuration >> Nominal. Adjust the
Reference depth of modulation by selecting the Reference Modulation parameter with the mouse then either enter
the value or use the spin controls. Press the Apply button (or the “F7” key) to apply the change.
To affect only one transmitter, select Transmitters >> Configuration >> Offsets and Scale Factors screen Adjust the
Transmitter 1 (or 2, as desired) Reference Modulation Scale Percent by selecting the parameter with the mouse, then
either enter the percentage value or use the spin controls. Press the Apply button (or theF7 key) to apply the
Change the Sideband Power Level
To affect both Transmitter #1 and Transmitter #2, select Transmitters >> Configuration >> Nominal. Adjust the
SBO power output level by selecting the SBO RF Level parameter with the mouse then either enter the value or use
the spin controls. Press the Apply button (or the “F7” key) to apply the change. The value entered is a percentage of
the maximum available for the SBO amplifier. Note that the power change of the Output Power level in the
Transmitters >> Configuration >> Nominal Screen also affects the SBO RF Level.
To affect only one transmitter, select Transmitters >> Configuration >> Offsets and Scale Factors screen. Adjust the
Transmitter 1 or 2 (as required) Sideband 1 RF level by selecting the Sideband 1 RF Level Scale parameter with the
mouse then either enter the percentage value or use the spin controls. Press the Apply button (or theF7 key) to
apply the change. Note that a value of 100% scales the Sideband 1 power output by 1.0, and a value of 70.7% scales
the Sideband 1 power output by 0.5 (since this is a Voltage Scale Factor). Sidebands 2, 3, and 4 can also be adjusted
individually in this screen.
The RMM uses the same hardware and software as the PMDT but interconnects to the equipment via a modem and
a telephone circuit. The software screens and operator selection of this usage of the PMDT are described above in
the PMDT paragraphs