User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Model 1150A DVOR
6-4 Rev. - November, 2008
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to others for any purposes without written permission from SELEX Sistemi Integrati Inc.
d. Select Monitor 2>>Data>>Status Screen.
e. Verify that no maintenance alerts are backlit in yellow.
f. Verify that no alarm indications are backlit in red.
Monitor Integrity Test of VOR Monitor (Refer to Section
a. Select screen Monitor 1>>Test Results>>Completed.
b. Verify azimuth angle, 30 Hz modulation, and 9960 Hz modulation, 9960 deviation, and Identification
modulation parameters have passed the Integrity test as indicated by a green background for all parameters.
c. Select screen Monitor 2>>Test Results>>Completed.
All VOR Monitor Integrity tests are performed continuously in the background. The
current status of the background test may be checked by selecting Monitor 1 (or 2) >> Test
Results >> In Process.
RSCU Operation Performance Check
This test removes the signal in space. A notice to airmen (NOTAM) must be issued prior to
starting this test and planned with Air Traffic Control personnel.
Single Equipment Performance Check
a. At the RCSU site perform a lamp test. Verify all indicators illuminate.
b. Verify that the indicator for DVOR transmitter 1 Normal is on and the “COMM FAULT” is off.
c. From the RSCU, turn off transmitter. Verify that the NORMAL indicator is off.
d. Turn on the transmitter. Verify that the NORMAL indicator is on and the ALARM indicator is off.
Dual Equipment Performance Check
a. Put the DVOR in normal configuration, with Transmitter 1 selected as main.
b. At the RCSU site, perform a lamp test. Verify all indicators illuminate.
c. Assure that the indicator for DVOR transmitter 1 NORMAL and antenna indicator#1 on and the
“COMM FAULT” indicator is off.
d. Turn on the number 2 transmitter. Verify that the DVOR changes transmitters and the number 2
transmitter comes up normally. Verify the antenna indicator “#2” light is on. Press the alarm silence button.
e. From the RSCU, turn off Transmitter 2. Turn on transmitter 1. Assure that the indicators for DVOR
Transmitter 1 NORMAL and antenna indicator #1 lights are on. Press the alarm silence button.
Identification Frequency and Modulation Level Checks
a. Place transmitter 1 on the air and place the monitors in bypass.
b. Connect oscilloscope probe to Transmitter 1 Carrier Amplifier 1A5A3-P2. Select Transmitters>>
Commands>> Transmitter Ident>> Continuous.
c. Set Transmitters>> Configuration>> Reference and Voice Modulation to 0%.
d. Adjust the oscilloscope controls to obtain a pattern showing 2 or 3 cycles of the 1020 identification
e. Measure the high and low peak voltages and calculate the modulation by the following relation:
Emax - Emin
% Ident Modulation = ----------------------
Emax + Emin