User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Model 1150A DVOR
Rev. - November, 2008
This document contains proprietary information and such information may not be disclosed
to others for any purposes without written permission from SELEX Sistemi Integrati Inc.
g. A
djust potentiometer 1A4A4R1 (CSB FWD ADJ) on the RF Monitor until Carrier Power displayed on the
Transmitters>> Data>> Transmitter 1 screen indicates the same value as the wattmeter.
h. Turn on transmitter 2 by using the mouse to point and click on the Transmitter 2 ON button.
i. Insure that transmitter 2 is on the antenna.
j. Select Transmitters>>Configuration>>Offsets and Scale Factors. Adjust the Output Power Scale for
Transmitter 2 to obtain the desired output power.
k. Select Transmitters>>Configuration, and adjust the SBO RF Level to 50.0% and press F7.
l. Turn off transmitter by using the mouse to point and click on the Transmitter 1 OFF button. Remove in-
line wattmeter thru body from the carrier antenna line and install it on sideband 1 (SB1) feed line at the
Commutator 1A10 input. Install a 5 watt element into wattmeter body.
m. Click on the Transmitter 1 ON button. Adjust the potentiometer 1A4A1R3 to obtain 2.5 watts on the
n. Adjust potentiometer 1A4A1R2 for a power out indication of 2.5 watts on the Transmitter>>Data>>Tx #1
Sideband 1 display.
o. Click on the Transmitter 2 ON button. Adjust the potentiometer 1A4A6R3 to obtain 2.5 watts on the
p. Adjust potentiometer 1A4A6R2 for a power out indication of 2.5 watts on the Transmitter>>Data>>Tx #1,
Sideband 2 display.
q. Turn off transmitter by clicking on the Transmitter 2 OFF button.
r. Remove wattmeter thru body from SB1 feed cable and install it on Sideband 2 feed cable to Commutator
1A10 input. Turn on transmitter by clicking on the Transmitter 1 ON button. Adjust the potentiometer
1A4A1R6 to obtain 2.5 watts on the wattmeter.
s. Adjust potentiometer 1A4A1R5 for a power out indication of 2.5 watts on the Transmitters>>Data screen,
Tx #1, Sideband 2 display.
t. Click on the Transmitter 2 ON button. Adjust the potentiometer 1A4A6R6 to obtain 2.5 watts on the
u. Adjust potentiometer 1A4A6R5 for a power out indication of 2.5 watts on the Transmitters>>Data screen,
and Tx #2, Sideband 2 display.
v. Turn off transmitter 2 by clicking on the Transmitter 2 OFF button. Remove wattmeter thru body on
Sideband 2 feed to the Commutator and install it on sideband 3 feed line to commutator 1A11.
w. Turn on transmitter 1 by clicking on the Transmitter 1 ON button.
x. Adjust the potentiometer 1A4A2R3 to obtain 2.5 watts on the wattmeter.
y. Adjust potentiometer 1A4A2R2 for a power out indication of 2.5 watts on the Transmitter>>Data>>Tx #1
Sideband 3 display.
z. Turn on transmitter 2 by clicking on the Transmitter 2 ON button.
aa. Adjust the potentiometer 1A4A7R3 to obtain 2.5 watts on the wattmeter.
bb. Adjust potentiometer 1A4A7R2 for a power out indication of 2.5 watts on the Transmitter>>Data>>Tx #2
Sideband 3 display.
cc. Turn off transmitter by clicking on the Transmitter 1 OFF button. Remove wattmeter thru body on
connector Sideband 3 feed cable and install it on sideband 4 (SB4) feed cable to the Commutator 1A11.
dd. Turn on transmitter by clicking on the Transmitter 1 button. Adjust the potentiometer 1A4A2R6 to obtain
2.5 watts on the wattmeter.
ee. Adjust potentiometer 1A4A2R5 for a power out indication of 2.5 watts on the Transmitter>>Data TX #1,
Sideband 4 display.
ff. Turn on transmitter 2 by clicking on the Transmitter 2 button. Adjust the potentiometer 1A4A7R6 to
obtain 2.5 watts on the wattmeter.
gg. Adjust potentiometer 1A4A7R5 for a power out indication of 2.5 watts on the Transmitter>>Data TX #2,
Sideband 4 display.
hh. Turn off transmitter by clicking on the Transmitter 2 OFF button. Remove wattmeter thru body on
connector Sideband 4 feed cable
ii. Perform Sideband Amplifier alignment procedure paragraph 6.4.16.