User's Manual

When you have finished filling in the correct information, Tab to the "Signature"
yes/no list box, and press "Space" to make your choice. If you chose to add a
signature, Tab to the edit box and enter the necessary content.
Once you have entered all the necessary information, press "Enter" to save the
account, or Tab to the Confirm button and press "Enter". Once saved,
BrailleSense will automatically try to retrieve the most recent messages for the
Inbox of the account you just created. If you entered something in error, you will
receive the prompt, "Invalid account information", and will be placed in the
Accounts list from where you can return to the Accounts Manager and modify
the account information.
8.3 Saving Exchange messages offline
The "File" menu of the Exchange e-mail program parallels the original e-mail
program, but for one exception: just above the "Exit" item is an option to "Save
Offline to BrailleSense Mail".
As Exchange is a constantly syncing protocol, it's content changes dynamically
as you send and receive messages. There may be times you wish for a
message to remain in a fixed position, locally on your unit. For this reason, we
allow you to save a message offline.
When you activate this function, you are given a choice as to what account you
want to save it to from the original BrailleSense E-mail program. Once you
choose an account to save to, the message will appear in the Inbox of that
account as though you received it there. Please note: if the mailbox is currently
open, you will need to refresh the Message List to see the saved messages.