User's Manual

The BrailleSense's Media Player supports the viewing of lyrics for MP3 files
which contain them. The "Lyrics tab appears in the tab order only if the file you
are playing contains lyrics in its file information. The lyrics are displayed in a
multi edit box which you can read and navigate using normal document
navigation commands.
The Media Player menu contains five items: "File", "Play", "Record", "Position",
"Mark" and "Settings".
To open the Media Player menu, press "Space-M" or "F2". Select a menu item
using "Space-1" or "Space-4" and press "Enter". Or, you can press "Space-M or
"F2" followed by the shortcut for the corresponding menu item. For example to
open the Record menu, press "Space-M" or "F2" to open the menu, and press
The Media Player also contains various lists and dialog boxes. Use "Space-1"
and "Space-4" or the Up and Down scroll keys to navigate menus, settings or
file lists. Use "Space-4-5" and "Space-1-2" or "F3" and "Space-F3" to tab among
controls in a dialog. For the purposes of these instructions, we will generally
refer to using "F3" and "Space-F3" or simply "Tab". However, in these instances,
"Space-4-5" and "Space-1-2" can also be used. Press "Enter" to execute an
1) Open File: (O) "Enter-O". Opens a media file and creates a new playlist.
2) Open Folder: (F) "Enter-F". Creates a new playlist with all the media files in
the selected folder.
3) Add File: (A) "Backspace-O". Adds the selected files to the current playlist.
4) Add Folder: (I) "Backspace-F". Adds all the media files in the selected folders
to the current playlist.