User's Manual

path search list, and use normal file navigation commands to choose your file
and press "Enter".
When the CSV file is imported, "Last name: unused 1/xx" is displayed. You can
choose whether the data from the CSV file for each field should be imported.
Some CSV files may contain data that is not equivalent to any of the fields in the
"Address Manager", or you may simply not wish to import certain pieces of
This dialog contains all the fields in the "Address Manager", a check box for
allowing fields in the first record, and "Confirm" and "Cancel" buttons. Tab and
Shift-Tab among these items. For each "Address Manager" field, there is a list
box containing "Unused" and all of the fields of the CSV file being imported. Use
"Space-1" and "Space-4" to move among the fields. If there is no equivalent field
in the CSV file for an "Address Manager" field, select "unused".
Often, the first set of fields in a CSV file represent field titles. For this reason,
there is a check box for allowing fields in the first record to be imported or not. If
the first set of fields does contain title data, make sure that the "allow fields in
first record" item is not checked.
To complete the import, Tab to "Confirm" and press "Enter". You are prompted,
"Address file already exists. Which do you prefer?" The default value is
"Overwrite". The setting values are "Overwrite" and "Add". You can either
replace the existing file with the data imported from the CSV file, or you may add
it to the existing address list. To change the setting value, press "Space", and
press "Enter" to save the data.
To export address data to CSV, select "Export to CSV" from the menu, or press
"Backspace-X". Type a file name for the exported data and press "Enter". To