User's Manual

If you select "Daily", Tab to the "Recurring interval of day" edit box. You can type
a number between 1 and 999 to represent the number of days between
recurrences. If you enter 1, the appointment recurs every day, and if you enter 2,
it recurs every other day. Be sure the difference between the start and end date
is shorter than the recurring interval value.
Tab to the "Set recurrence end date" check box. By default, it's unchecked,
which indicates that the appointment recurs indefinitely. If you check this box, an
edit combo box for entering the end date appears in the tab order.
If you set the "Recurrence" to weekly, Tab to the "Recurring interval" edit box,
and type the number of weeks between appointments in numbers from 1 to 999.
As with daily, the appointment duration should be shorter than the recurring
Tab to a list box where you can select the day of the week on which the
appointment recurs. To select or unselect the current item, press "Space". You
can make more than one selection, thus the appointment recurs on more than
one day during the week. If you don't select a day, it is set to the today's week
If you set the "Recurrence to monthly", Tab to the "Recurring type" combo box.
You can set the recurring type as "Date" or "Day of the week". "Date" is used
when you want to set an appointment recurring on the same day of a month, for
example, on the 17th of every month, or every other month. On the other hand,
"Day of the week" is used when you want to set an appointment recurring on the
same week and day of the week of a month, for example, on Wednesday of the
second week of every month. After selecting the "Recurring type", Tab to the
"Recurring interval", and type a number of months between appointments in
numbers from 1 to 999.
Different fields are shown in the Tab order depending on what you have selected
in "Recurring type". If you set the "Recurring type" to "Date", an edit box