User's Manual

When you search by date, by default, the BrailleSense searches for
appointments occurring today. To search for another date, type the date in the
format "mm/dd/yyyy", or use the "move by date" hotkeys. Press "Enter", and the
appointments occurring on the chosen day are shown. If there is no appointment
on that day, the unit announces, "There is no appointment registered".
The first appointment is announced in the form of "date, time, and subject". If the
appointment lasts for more than one day, "continuous schedule" is announced. If
the appointment recurs, "recurring schedule" is announced. If you scheduled
more than one appointment for that day, move among the appointments using
"Space-1" or "Space-4". To move to the first appointment, press "Space-1-3",
and to move to the last appointment on that day, press "Space-4-6".
To move to the appointments on another day, press "Space-2" or "Space-5". The
previous/next appointment occurring within four months is displayed. To move to
the first appointment stored in the Schedule Manager, press "Space-1-2-3", and
to move to the last appointment stored in the Schedule Manager, press "Space-
4-5-6". To obtain details on an appointment, press "Enter".
To search by subject, type in the keywords to search and press "Enter". All
appointments with the keywords are displayed. If you press "Enter" without
typing text, BrailleSense displays all appointments in the “Schedule Manager".
To move to the next or previous appointment, press "Space-4" or "Space-1"
respectively. Pressing "Space-1-3" and "Space-4-6" move to the first and last
items in the appointment list.
For recurring appointments and multiple day appointments, the BrailleSense
only shows the appointments of the first day if you search the schedule by
subject. Press "Enter" on an appointment to read the details. Press "Space-E" to
return to the appointment list. To search other keywords, Tab to the "Search
subject" edit box, and type new search text.