User's Manual

Some appointments you enter or receive may contain links to a Zoom meeting,
Google Meet invitation, a Teams live event, or other item that requires launching
of an installed Android ap. These are generally located in the Memo or location
fields. You can open these links in an Android browser, as the BrailleSense
browser does not automatically launch other programs.
To open a link located in the current paragraph in the default Android browser,
press “Backspace-Enter-L”. The browser will launch, which will then, in turn,
activate the associated Android program, provided that program is installed on
your BrailleSense. For example, if you want to launch a Zoom meeting, you
need to install the Zoom application on your BrailleSense from the Play Store.
To modify an existing appointment, move to the appointment and select "Modify
Appointment" from the menu, or press "Enter-M" from the search results list. If
the appointment is a recurring schedule, a prompt, displaying "Recurrence
appointment. Open type?" appears. Choose whether you want to modify the
recurring appointment or the appointment for a specific day. If you select "This
occurrence", your changes affect the appointment of the day, but the recurring
appointments on other days are not changed. If you select "The series", your
changes affect all the recurrences.
The "Modify appointment" dialog contains the same controls as in the "Add
appointment" dialog. The only difference is that each field has the value entered
previously. If you have made changes you wish to save, tab to "Confirm" and
press "Enter".
To delete an appointment, move to the appointment in the search results list.
Select "Delete Appointment" from the menu, or press "Space-D" from the search
results list. If the selected appointment is a recurring appointment, you are