User's Manual

While you play a streaming audio file in the "Web Browser", if you exit the "Web
Browser" program or you lose the internet connection, the streaming audio file
stops playing.
You can use the following playback commands in the "Web Browser" while
playing a streaming audio file.
1. Play: "play" button on the front panel
2. Stop: "stop" button on the front panel
3. Turn up the volume: Space-up scroll button
4. Turn down the volume: Space-down scroll button
Playback of a streaming audio file does not stop if you switch to another
program, unless you press the "stop" button on the front panel after returning to
the "Web Browser".
Note: Real Audio files are not supported in the "Web Browser".
11.2 Google Search
The Google Search program allows you to easily perform a search using
Google's Internet search service. To Open Google Search, from the "Web Tools"
menu, move to "Google Search" and press "Enter", or press G". You can launch
Google Search from anywhere on the unit by pressing "F1-U".
The "Search" dialog contains 3 items: a "Search Term" edit box, a "Search"
button, and a "Close" button. To move through the items in the dialog, press
"Tab (F3) or "Shift-Tab (Space-F3).