User's Manual

1) Export: € “Enter-E”. Saves the current BrailleSense math file (.mth). You are
not able to export this to other formats, just save it for later use, or for sharing
with another BrailleSense user.
2) Import: (I) “Enter-I”. Allows you to open a previously saved BrailleSense Math
(.mth) file.
3) Save to History: (S) “Space-S”. Saves the current selection to your history.
4) History: (H) “Enter-H”. Opens a list of equations you saved to your history.
You can save an expression to your history by pressing Space-S.
5) Save Graph As Braille: (F) “Enter-F”. Saves the tactile rendering of your
currently selected graph as a Braille file.
6) Exit: (Z) “Space-Z”. Performs the obvious function.
1) Copy: © “Enter-C”. Copies the current or selected math expressions to the
clipboard. This function does not copy graphical images. Use the copy Graph
function to do this.
2) Cut: (X) “Enter-X”. Cuts the current selection to the clipboard.
3) Paste: (V) “Enter-V”. Pastes clipboard content can currently paste only from
other BrailleSense Math areas, such as the history or a math file.
4) Delete: (D) “Space-D”. Deletes the current or selected expressions.
5) Select All: (A) “Enter-A”. Selects all expressions in the current list.
6) Start Selection: (B) “Enter-B”. The same Start selection command that exists
in File Manager and other list areas, selects continuously to your current cursor