User's Manual

this manual on the Word Processor. When you are finished typing the text you
wish to send to your computer or mobile device, press "Enter-S" and the text is
quickly inputted to the device via the Terminal for Screen reader, and your
BrailleSense returns to sending/receiving information to and from the connected
"Terminal Clipboard" can also be useful for transferring text from a document or
e-mail in your notetaker, to a document or e-mail you are creating on your
connected computer or Smartphone. As the "Terminal Clipboard" is a standard
edit box on the notetaker, you can paste text in to it from the notetaker's
clipboard. (see the sections of this manual regarding selecting text as it applies
to supported programs such as the Word Processor, E-mail, Web Browser, etc.)
To send text from your notetaker:
1) Press "Space-Enter-I" to activate "Terminal Clipboard".
2) Press "Enter-V" to paste the text from the notetaker's clipboard to the edit
3) Press "Enter-S" to send the text via the Terminal for Screen Reader.
13.8 Display Network Status
This utility provides information about the current network connection type and
status, the current IP of the unit, subnet mask, gateway, and MAC address. To
check network status, press "Enter" on "Display Network Status". You can also
query network status from the "program" menu by pressing "Space-N".
The information about the current connection is displayed. You can Tab to a
"Renew" button and a "Close" button.
The first item in the information list (status) indicates whether the BrailleSense is
currently connected to the Internet (online/offline), and if so, the current