User's Manual

on the unit by pressing "F2-E". To delete a macro, navigate to the macro you wish
to delete in the list, Tab to "Delete Macro" and press "Enter", or press "Space-D".
You can rename a macro by focusing the macro you wish to rename, and
selecting the "Rename Macro" option. You are placed in an edit box in which you
can type the new macro file name, with the current name displayed. To rename
the macro, edit the current name or type a new one, and press "Enter".
You can also import and export your Macro list from the Macro Manager, either
to share with others, to backup Macros you have created, or to share among
multiple units.
13.13 Upgrade BrailleSense 6 Firmware
Using this utility, you can update the BrailleSense either via an Internet
connection or from external media containing the upgrade files. If you choose
the "Online" method, be sure you have an active Internet connection before
attempting the upgrade. When you update the BrailleSense, settings are usually
maintained. However, if there are changes to setting values in the firmware, all
settings will be initialized. Therefore, it is recommended that you back up your
settings using the backup/restore utility in the “Settings” menu. Data in the
flashdisk is protected. However, we recommend you backup your files before
updating the BrailleSense Firmware as unexpected problems can occur.
Note: You cannot cancel the update once it has started. You must not
reset the unit during an upgrade. You must keep the unit connected to AC
power throughout the upgrade process. We recommend you do not touch
the BrailleSense while it is updating. It may take up to 60 minutes to
update the BrailleSense, possibly even longer depending on the speed of
your Internet connection and how many Android apps you have installed.