User's Manual

Previous sheet: Space-1-2-6
Sheet list: Enter-l (dots 1-2-3)
Set Mark: Backspace-m (dots 1-3-4)
Go to Mark: Backspace-j (dots 2-4-5)
Delete Mark: Backspace-d (dots 1-4-5) Read Commands
Set Options: Backspace-o (dots 1-3-5)
Sheet title: Space-1-5-6
Read from top of column to cursor: Backspace-Dot 1
Read from cursor to bottom of column: Backspace-Dot 4
Read from beginning of row to cursor: Backspace-Dot 3
Read from cursor to end of row: Backspace-Dot 6
Read current row: Space-c (dots 1-4)
Read current column: Space-y (dots 1-3-4-5-6)
Read header cell of row: Backspace-c (dots 1-4)
Read header cell of column: Backspace-y (dots 1-3-4-5-6)
Read from beginning to cursor: Backspace-g (dots1-2-4-5)
Read from cursor to end: Enter-g (dots 1-2-4-5)
Read One character (When in Cell Activation): Space-Dots 3-6
Read Current Cell: Space-Dots 3-6
Read File Name: Space-Dots 3-4
Read Selected Text: Backspace-b (dots 1-2)