User's Manual

From within BrailleSense programs, the "F2" key opens the program specific
menu, similar to pressing “Alt” in Windows.
Note: you may also use "Space-M" to perform this function.
The "F3" key functions as "Tab ("Space-4-5")". "Space-F3" serves as "Shift-Tab
("Space-1-2")". F3 is also used together with other keys to open BrailleSense
The "F4" key functions like the "Escape" key on a PC. You can also use "Space-
E". Please note that "Escape" does not exit a program, as does "Space-Z" but
rather, exits menus, dialogs, or prompt boxes. It also serves as the Back button
in native Android apps.
You can use the function keys in combination to perform various other tasks.
Pressing "F1" and "F2" at the same time functions as "Page Up". Pressing the
"F3" and "F4" keys together serves as "Page Down". "F1" and "F4" together
opens the task list. Pressing the "F2" and "F3" keys together cycles through the
running programs; similar to pressing "alt-tab" on your PC. The Task List and
task switching are explained in greater detail in section 2.9.
The keys to the left and right of the spacebar are referred to as Control and Alt.
This is because, in native Android applications, these keys function as Control
and Alt on a QWERTY keyboard so that you may take advantage of native
Android keyboard shortcuts when they are present. In BrailleSense specific
applications, these keys operate similarly to "Space-1" and "Space-4" and
provide an alternative method for scrolling through menus and lists.
2.4 The AC Power Supply and the Battery Pack
To check the battery power status, press "Space-1-6." The unit displays the
following 2 items: