User's Manual

Backup & Reset” and “Android System Settings”. The following sections discuss
each of these items in detail.
3.1 Set Time and Date
To set the BrailleSense's internal clock, press "Enter" on "Set Time and Date" in
the "Settings" menu. Or press T to open the "set time and date" dialog from the
menu. You can launch the "Set Time and Date" dialog from anywhere on the unit
by pressing "F3-T".
The set time and date is a dialog, consisting of the following: "Time zone", "Time
format", "Time", "Date Format", "Date", "Synchronize with time server", a
"Confirm" button, and a "Cancel" button. You can move among these items by
pressing “F3” or “Space-F3”.
When you activate "Set Time and Date", "Time zone?" appears followed by the
default time zone. You can choose your desired time zone by navigating to it
using "Space-1" or "Space-4" or by typing the first letter of the time zone. Once
done, move to the next item using "F3".
The next item is "Time format", the options for which are 12 hour and 24 hour
time. You can toggle between the two using "Space-1" or "Space-4".
The next item is "Time". When typing the time, separate the hour and minute
using a space or a colon.
If you select 12 hour clock in the "Time format", A.M. or P.M. is displayed after
the hour and minute. In the 12 hour clock, you can toggle A.M. it P.M. by
pressing "Space-X".
Tab to "Date format". You can choose to display the date in either the "short" or
"long" format. The short format displays the date numerically, while the long