User's Manual

connecting to other mobile devices or computers may result in all files appearing
as though they have no data, or have a size of 0 bytes. Before disconnecting a
USB drive or SD card, press “Backspace-Enter-U” or “Backspace-Enter-3-6” to
it from the system. If your drive is showing files with no data, please
re-insert it in to the BrailleSense, and press the Unmount key to eject it properly,
and the data should, be visible once again.
4.3 The File Menu
To open the "File" menu, press "F2" to bring up the menu, and press "Enter" on
"File". Use normal list commands to navigate to your desired option and press
The BrailleSense supports the following file formats:
1. Document files: hbl, brl, txt, brf, rtf, doc/docx, XLS/XLSX, PPT/PPTX, PDF
and unprotected EPUB.
2. Web formats: url, and html.
3. Media formats: ac3, asf, asx, m3u, mp2, mp3, MP4, ogg, pls, wav, wax, wma,
wmv and flac.
4. DAISY formats: DAISY 2.0, 3.0, BookShare.
5. Programs: APK. Press “Enter” to install.
The menu contains the following items. Shortcuts are placed in parentheses,
and hotkeys are in quotes.
1) Open: (O) "Enter-O". Opens the selected file in the associated application for
its file type.