User's Manual

support functions like Zip and Unzip, Braille and TXT File conversion, etc.
Please use “Space-H” to get a complete list of the available functions.
Only supports selecting files or folders for the purposes of opening or saving.
The login function is not supported from programs other than the File
Manager. Please login to Google drive from the file manager before trying to
use additional functions or applications.
Streaming media files is not supported. We download the file in a temporary
folder in the flashdisk before playing.
In general, it should be noted, due to transferring to and from Google Drive,
opening and saving files is a bit slower than when accessing local files and
4.7 Using the Address Window
This edit box lets you type the direct path of the file name you want to open.
This window also contains the history list for easily accessing recently opened
files or directories.
When you are in a file or folder list, you can press "tab (Space-4-5)" to navigate
to the address window. The BrailleSense displays the current path including the
current drive name, such as "flashdisk/download/". The address window is only
visible when you are in a file or folder list. When you are in the drive list, the
address window is not available.
You can edit the text by relocating the cursor with a cursor routing key, the
BrailleSense inserts the text at the cursor location. If you know the exact path
and file name, you can type in the path and file name to open the file with the
appropriate application. For example, if you type in "flashdisk/download" in the
address window and press "Enter," the BrailleSense displays the list of the files
in the download folder. If you type "flashdisk/My Documents/sample.txt" in the