User's Manual

You can launch the "Notepad" from anywhere on the unit by pressing "F1-N".
When you launch the Notepad on the BrailleSense, it places you in a new, blank
document. You can activate all the functions of the Notepad via the Notepad
menu or by using hot keys. The menu in the Notepad consists of File, Edit,
insert, Go To, Read, and Layout. To access these menus, press "Space-M" or
"F2". Select a menu item using "Space-1" or "Space-4", and press "Enter". Or,
you can press "Space-M or "F2" followed by the shortcut for the corresponding
menu item.
Use "Space-1" and "Space-4" or the Up and Down scroll keys to navigate
menus, settings or file lists. Use "Space-4-5" and "Space-1-2" or "F3" and
"Space-F3" to tab among controls in a dialog.
Press "Enter" to execute an item.
6.1 File Menu
The File menu contains the following options:
1) New: (N). Creates a new document, by default named "noname". You can
create a DOCX or DOC file without formatting, or a TXT, BRL or HBL file.
2) Open: (O) "Enter-O". Opens an existing file. Supported file types include all
those listed at the beginning of this chapter.
3) Save: (S) "Enter-S". Save the current file. Tab between name, location and
file type. Use normal file management navigation to choose a different folder.
4) Save As: (A) "Space-S". Save the current file under a different name, as a
type or in a different location. You can choose to password protect files by
choosing the HPF file format.
5) Print: (P) "Space-P". Supports only Braille embossing: the document will be
printed using a connected embosser.