User's Manual

11) Go To Next Document: (N) "Tab". If multiple documents are opened, moves
to the next document in the file open order.
6.5 Read Menu
1) Read Selected Text: (B) "Backspace-B". Reads the selected block of text.
2) Read beginning of Selected Text: (U) "Enter-U". Reads the first line of a
selected text block.
3) Read from Beginning to Cursor: (T) "Backspace-G". Reads from the
beginning of the document to the current cursor position.
4) Read from Cursor to End: (Q) "Enter-G". Reads from the current cursor
position to the end of the document.
5) Auto Scroll: (A) "Up/Down Scroll". Starts and stops the auto scroll function.
Set the speed of the auto scroll in the Settings under the File menu.
6) Read Current Sentence (E) "Space-1-4-5-6". Reads the current sentence.
7) Read Current Line: (L) "Space-1-4". Reads the current line.
8) Read Current Word: (W) "Space-2-5". Reads the current word. Press twice to
9) Read Current Character: (C) "Space-3-6". Reads the current character. Press
twice to hear the military alphabet equivalent.
10) Read Cursor Position: (R) "Space-1-5-6". Reads current cursor position as
page, paragraph, word, and line.
11) Read Status: (S) "Space-3-4". Reads title of document and indicates Insert
or Overwrite mode.