User's Manual

*DTR/DSR of Parani10 will function for either a Loop-back operation or for full transfer. Users
may select a function of DTR/DSR using AT command- ATS14. Default value of ATS14 is 1.
ATS14=1<cr>: Default setting. Users may use DTR/DSR lines for communications
ATS14=0<cr>: Users may use DTR/DSR lines for Loop-back only.
ATS14? : To see current status of ATS14.
*Default setting of CD line in Parani10 is to show the status of Bluetooth connection. If users
want to use CD line to send CDC signal to the other side, such as for a connection between
Parani10 and DCE device, users need to configure ATS13.
ATS13=0<cr>: Default setting. Users may use CDC line for checking a Bluetooth connection.
ATS13=1<cr>: Users may receive CDC signal from other Parani10.
(This function will be available from future version of Parani10 for DCE devices)
ATS13 ?: To see current status of ATS13.
2.3 Connecting Parani10 to host
Step 1. Connect a Parani10 to a serial port of the host computer.
Step 2. Supply power by using one of the following methods:
Power via DC power cable
Power via a standard AC-plug DC-adapter (Option)
Power via USB power cable (Option)
Step 3. Turn on the Parani10 power by using the switch on the side.
Step 4. Check the LED lamps.
The Power LED must display a solid green color, to indicate that power is being supplied
Step 5. Proceed with the steps for the configuration to make Parani10 work.
See Chapter 3. Configuration for details.