User's Manual

3.2 Using a Terminal Program
Parani10 units are easily controlled and configured via Parani10_Manager. Likewise, AT
command sets are supported by Parani10 to
allow device control capabilities used by the
terminal program of your choice.
3.2.1 Connecting Parani10 to host
For Parani10 use, follow the simple instructions below:
1. Connect a Parani10 to a host serial port. Then, turn on the Parani10.
2. Check the STATUS LED color. Amber indicates standard mode.
3. Execute any terminal program and activate Local Echo.
4. Configure the host serial port to match the Parani10 unit configuration. The
Parani10 default configuration is 9600 bps Baud, 8 Data bit, No Parity, 1
Stop bit and H/W flow control.
5. Enter ‘AT’ command at the prompt. A Parani10 ‘OK’ reply indicates proper
3.2.2 Making the first Parani10/Bluetooth connection
As stated before, Bluetooth wireless connections can be made with any
other Bluetooth device supporting Bluetooth SPP (Serial Port Profile).
For Bluetooth wireless connections to a Parani10, first make another
Parani10Discoverable’ and Connectable’. In this case, refer to
section 3.2.3 before following the instructions below.
1. First check the status of the Parani10 by entering ‘AT+BTINFO?’. The
Parani10 response is comprised of BD_ADDR, Device Name, Operating
Mode, Operating Status, Authentication and Encryption flags. To make a
connection to other Bluetooth devices, the operating status of the first
Parani10 should be ‘STANDBY’. A ‘PENDING’ operating status of the first
Parani10 indicates the unit is busy with another operation. In this case,
cancel the ongoing operation by entering the ‘AT+BTCANCEL’ command.