User's Manual

Parani-ESD has 4 response messages, ‘OK’, ‘ERROR’, ‘CONNECT’, and ‘DISCONNECT’. In some
cases, these responses can affect the host system unexpectedly. To prevent this, user can set the
Command response to ON or OFF.
Click [Apply] button to reflect the given options to Parani-ESD actually.
Connect(out) icon will show the following window to search and connect other Bluetooth devices.
Figure 2-7 Connect(out) Window
Click [Search] button to search nearby Bluetooth devices. The maximum number of devices to be
searched can be controlled. Select one of the devices searched and click [Connect] button. The
selected Bluetooth device must be in Page scan mode. Click [Disconnect] button to cancel the
connection normally.
After the connection is established, you are able to test sensitivity by pushing the START button.