User's Manual

Copyright © 2006 Sena Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
z Host IP Address
For network Server IP address entry
z Host Port Number
For network port no. entry
z re-connect automatically if link is lost.
For Host connect retry, if failed. Retry frequency is set in the preceding function..
z Try to Connect to Server every [ ] ms
When Parani-MSP™ fails to connect to Host, it will retry. Enter the connection retry
frequency here. Entering 0 [zero] means no retry.
c) Vertex Mode
In Vertex Mode, Host and Bluetooth devices communicate each other via Parani-
MSP™ in multi-drop manner, which is similar to RS485 way.
Parani-MSP acts as TCP server like server mode. It waits for connection from Host
on Vertex Port.
<Fig 0-2> Vertex Mode
z Vertex Port
For Parani-MSP™ Vertex port no. entry.
z Max Number of Connections
For entering the number of Hosts connectable to Parani-MSP™ concurrently.
d) Repeater Mode