User's Manual

Copyright © 2006 Sena Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
1. About Parani-MSP™
Parani-MSP™ is a Bluetooth-wireless multiple serial server for minimum 7 to maximum
14 devices; an option to conventional multi-serial ports. Wireless Parani-MSP™ results
in dramatic installation cost and time savings.
With Parani-SD™ installed at RS-232 interfaced terminals, Parani-MSP™ affords
dependable convenience for a variety of serial communications environments.
Refer to the figure 1.1. below:
<Fig. 1.1>
Parani-MSP™ has Bluetooth protocol stack qualified by Bluetooth SIG, which assures
standardized, secure and scaleable serial communications. Parani-MSP™ identification of
data, per each additional unique Bluetooth SPP enabled device address, prevents data
Bluetooth’s 2.4GHz frequency-hopping system is resilient to RF interference from
sources such as Wireless LAN. Increased communications security is possible via
optional user set-up authentication.
Parani-MSP™ transmits data from each Bluetooth devices to Host PC via TCP/IP
Ethernet. Host PC also responds to each Bluetooth devices wirelessly via Parani-MSP™.
Non-TCP/IP legacy serial applications can make use of Parani-MSP™ without any