User's Manual

RtoMin :
Specifies the minimum retransmission time-out value in milliseconds.
RtoMax :
Specifies the maximum retransmission time-out value in milliseconds.
MaxConn :
Specifies the maximum number of connections. If is the maximum number is set to -1, the
maximum number of connections are dynamic.
ActiveOpens :
Specifies the number of active opens. In an active open, the client is initiating a connection with
the server.
PassiveOpens :
Specifies the number of passive opens. In a passive open, the server is listening for a connection
request from a client.
AttemptFails :
Specifies the number of failed connection attempts.
EstabResets :
Specifies the number of established connections that have been reset.
CurrEstab :
Specifies the number of currently established connections.
InSegs :
Specifies the number of segments received.
OutSegs :
Specifies the number of segments transmitted. This number does not include retransmitted
RetransSegs :
Specifies the number of segments retransmitted.
RetransSegs :
Specifies the number of errors received.
OutRsts :
Specifies the number of segments transmitted with the reset flag set.